Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Family Christmas party!

This year my mother-in-law came up with the idea of doing the story of Christmas and nativity life size in the barn with the pony, goat, and the kids. She invited the her Mom and Dad, Davises, Johnson, Granny, Papo,  some neighbors, Grandma Connie, and Grandma Southam. We all helped putting it on and setting it up(well I guess I should say Randan, Sue, Randy, Jake, Tucker, Waylon, Josee, and my mother-in-law) . I probably wasn't as much help as others. We had chili and rolls with hot chocolate, and cookies. It went very well. It was so cute watching the kids play there parts. Tucker was a Wise man. He was going to be Joseph, but he wanted to be a Wise man with his dad.  I was afraid that it would be cold. I have never been a person that likes the cold. It wasn't that bad. They did a very good job of insulating and keeping it warm. Granted the temperature wasn't that cold. It could have been worse.  

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