Saturday, November 17, 2012

Baby Room!

When Randan and I found out we were expecting I told him weather or not its a girl or boy I want to bye a nice crib set. I made Tuckers, and it was a catastrophe. It was 6 to 7 inches to short on ether side, and when I washed it it came apart in a couple areas.  I wanted to find out what we were having a boy or girl so I knew what to look for and when we found out it was a girl I started looking at stores here in Vernal and stores in Provo I also looked in line. I didn't find any thing that I loved I look and shopped what seemed to me quite a bit. I finally resorted in making another bed set. I am going to say it is steel not exactly what I wanted but it will do. The bed skirt is made out of pink and cream tool with some of the fabric that I used in the quilt.  The quilt is steal a little to small, but no where near as bad as Tuckers. I am stupid and didn't wash any of the fabric before making it. I know better. I maybe a yellow blanket out of some of the left overs I think you can see it in one of the pictures. Its hanging over one of the brown chairs. I  used the same backing for it as I did for the bed quilt and when I washed it it balled up in the washing machine and inside the blanket so bad that if feel like balls in the blanket, so I am a bit scared to wash the quilt. The curtains I made, and stenciled a flower to match the ones in the pattern in the quilt. The yellow picture frame you see is what I put together to hold all of the baby's hair bows and berets. All in all I think it will work. Is it what I had in my head not really, but I am steal pleased. 


  1. Look at you updating and changing backgrounds after all this time:) I think your bed set turned out great. The tulle is perfect for a little girl. Reminds me of ballet skirts.

    1. I know thought three months was long enugh. Thanks on comments about room.
