Thursday, December 9, 2010

Chocolate Cake!

I have been craving a chocolate cake for a few days. Last night I finally broke down and made one. I didn't even wait  to make icing before I sat down  to eat a piece. Well my son caught wind of what was going on so of coarse  he wanted  a piece. I didn't give him a very big one, but a big mess came out of the deal. I first gave him a fork. All that did was start the mess off right. He just wanted to play, so i decided a spoon might help. Wrong again. He finally decided that his face was the best was to tackle this obstacle. Boys and destruction! It must taste better. 

1 comment:

  1. I swear every time I gave my kids chocolate anything there was more to clean up than I had actually given them. Did any actually get in you wonder.
