I was feeding Raegan and heard this huge bang! I waited to hear a cry or MOM!!! but nothing so I new no one was hurt. I finished with Raegan and then went to investigate. This is what I found. He said he was trying to slide down the top of his car that is parked by the dresser. I cant figure out how that made the dresser fall but whatever. The piggy bank was on top of the dresser I found it under the dresser when I picked it up. I am glade it wasn't Tucker I found.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Christmas 2012!
Tucker, Randan, and I made cookies to give to Santa on Christmas Eve. He wanted to put carrots also so the Reindeer had something to eat.
Yes Santa came!
She is tired and hungry! Wish I could have got one with out her crying. Steel very cut.
First day home!
We came home from the hospital on the 21st of Dec. Randan dropped me off at the house, so I could feed Raegan, and change her dipper. So that when Tucker got there he wouldn't have to wait to hold her. He was so excited to do so. When he walked in the door the first thing he said was "Where is my baby sister? "
And then there were Four!
Tyring to keep occupied by playing solitaire.
One happy daddy.
One even happier mother.
Big brother's getting to see her for the first time. We have really bad Flu and RSV going around so they wont let any kids under the age of 14 back in labor and delivery. They would let him look through the window.
I held her while he got his first look.
Me missing my son.
Well there you have it Dec. the 20th 2012 we received a beautiful baby girl to add to our family. She was 7lbs. 3.4oz. She was 19 1/2 inch. long and born @ 3:07 pm. Her name is Raegan Carol Vincent. We absolutely ardor her.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
First Snowman!
This is sad to admit but, this is tuckers first snowman. He is three and, this is his first. Last year we didn't get any snow to make a skiff let alone a snowman. So when it started snowing the other day he was so excited he wanted to make a snowman. I thought Randan might want to be apart of his first, so I told Tuck we would do it the next day, so his dad could help him. (Randan wouldn't have been home until after dark the day it started to snow) Being nine months pregnant help me make that decision. I must admit. He was so excited Randan helped him by starting the bottom. Randan started from the back yard that is why there is a little dirt mixed in. I have to giggle at the waist, and head I think they were getting tired. After the snowman Randan cut me some starter wood. As you can see in the picture. While he was doing that Tucker wanted to start a snow ball fight. You can't see it very well, but Tucker is laughing with a laugh I don't hear very often but when I do I just start laughing myself. You can tell it is coming from the heart. Deep down inside. I think he thought he had Randan right where he wanted him.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Snow man!
I got the pictures out of order. It is suppose to be a before and after. I always like to have some kind of wreath or door hanging on my door during the holidays. I was on pinterest and found this darling snow man someone had made and I wanted to replicate it. I didn't have all the supplies they did so I came up with my own version. I think it turned out OK the pinterest one is better. I used as yo can see three different wreath bases so I could get the three different sizes, coffee filters, pipe cleaner, half of a old sorbet container, and felt.
2012 Christmas Tree!
Tucker and Randan testing the lights before they go on the tree.
Randan and Tucker decorating the tree while I get the ornaments out for them to hang, and take pictures.
Me protesting any pictures of me. I hadn't done my hair makeup or dressed up to go get a tree. I mean who would? I guess me if I knew the camera was going to be turned. I have never liked my picture taken let alone 9 months prego, and grungy.
The final product. Tucker woke up this morning and said: "I like are tree mom." I was glade to hear that because he through a total fit at the tree lot wanting a flocked tree. I didn't even know he knew there was suck a thing, but on the way up to get the tree he keep saying I want a white one. the only thing I could come up with was flocked and lone behold that is exactly what he was talking about. All the descent flocked trees were already spoken for, so no go this year. Hence the fit.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Tucker's Blazer!
Randan has been wanting to know what I want for Christmas, and keep asking. I keep telling him "I don't know", " I don't need anything." He finally told be to have a list ready, and gave me a deadline. I miss both deadlines ( he gave me two, because I missed the first ). He told me "OK I want it text to me by noon the next day." I steel failed to get the list to him. I received a "?" text around 1:00 that day, so I finally text him saying: I want my shelves up in our laundry room, I want bookshelves and shelving so I can build my office how I want it. I want a chop saw, and I wouldn't mind some $ to got shopping in Provo this spring. All of which I thought were wonderful ideas. He didn't agree. He said they weren't valid. When Tucker and I were in town a few days latter I came up with the idea to take our camera with us so I could do some window shopping and take pictures so Randan would know what I was talking about. Great Idea! I am sure you are all wondering what this has to do with the picture and title of this entry. Not much I go in to tangents some times just to get a simple point out. Which I am now going to FINALLY get to. When I was little I remember getting a Christmas and Easter dress if not every year most every year, so when I had Tucker I wanted to get him some kind of outfit for Christmas and Easter. I will admit I have not always been very good. This year I wanted to get a vest, matching tie and a new white shirt. Yo need to know that is not always the easies thing to do in Vernal UT. I know we have the wonderful Webb to shop on, but for some reason I don't do much shopping on the Webb. I don't like to pay shipping is one reason. I some time's cam find better deals other places. is another. I went to Kmart which in vernal has the best boy selection on a budget. They had a vest that I thought would work just fine. Well tucker didn't agree. He wanted the Blazer. The only problem is he has my problem short arms. It fits him every where just fine except in the length of the arm. I don't really want to spent the $ to get it altered to have him grow out of it in a few months, but he wouldn't budge that is what he wanted so we will dill with short arms. He wanted to show is dad, and for me to take a picture. He was major excited. Hence the 1,000 word report just to tell you how excited he was to have his blazer.
Family Christmas party!
This year my mother-in-law came up with the idea of doing the story of Christmas and nativity life size in the barn with the pony, goat, and the kids. She invited the her Mom and Dad, Davises, Johnson, Granny, Papo, some neighbors, Grandma Connie, and Grandma Southam. We all helped putting it on and setting it up(well I guess I should say Randan, Sue, Randy, Jake, Tucker, Waylon, Josee, and my mother-in-law) . I probably wasn't as much help as others. We had chili and rolls with hot chocolate, and cookies. It went very well. It was so cute watching the kids play there parts. Tucker was a Wise man. He was going to be Joseph, but he wanted to be a Wise man with his dad. I was afraid that it would be cold. I have never been a person that likes the cold. It wasn't that bad. They did a very good job of insulating and keeping it warm. Granted the temperature wasn't that cold. It could have been worse.
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