Tuesday, February 2, 2016

My New Table

I Have this list of things that I would like to get to make my home more conferrable. My Head and Foot board that I did last year was on that list. A kitchen table was also on that list.(a new set of couches, a office, storage space, updated cabinets, and new flooring are all on this list).
This new table (new to me) was given to us by Randan's Grandma and Grandpa Johnson (Ma Dean and Pa Dean).  She has been doing some up dating herself, and wanted to get a new table. Something smaller. So Randan, and I decided that if they didn't mind giving it to us we would like to take it and make it ours.
I knew I wanted to make it lighter and of course antiqued. So when I was in Lowe's, and waiting in by the paint counter to get my paint I found this old technique, and knew that,  that is what I wanted to do. It is called weather crackle glaze, and I my self had never tried it, but I knew my mom had. I asked her if she would please help me and she consented. It didn't for us, but I like how it turned out anyway. 
My mom was so frustrated because the first time she tried it the same thing happened it didn't work so she is determined to figure it out we need another project. I have just the one hopefully I can make it work. 
I am so grateful for this table. It only cost $110.00 in supplies, paint, and material for the chairs, and that was $ given to me for Christmas. Not to bad for a "new" table.    

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